Have you tried Virtual Speed Dating? Here’s why you should consider it!

Do you remember this hilarious Speed Dating Scene in Hitch?

Lausanne speed dating | Speed dating lausanne. 2020-06-22






Yeah, that was a disaster waiting to happen.  But maybe not for the reasons that you may think!

If that’s your whole experience of Speed Dating and you’ve never been to a Real-Life event, you probably think it’s not something that can EVER work.

But let me tell you otherwise.

There is a lot of science that backs up speed dating as a WONDERFUL way of meeting lots of people in the most efficient way.

The truth is, it only takes us between 3 seconds and 3 minutes to decide if we like someone when we first meet them, whatever the circumstances. Whether in real life or online, our brains intuitively know if the person in front of us is a ‘hell no’ or a ‘possibly maybe’.

(For the ‘hell yeah’ a fair bit of effort and/or insane chemistry is needed.)

Does Love at First Sight Exist in Today's World? | Goalcast

There are no second chances to make a first impression.

We make this decision by creating a mental image of that person based on physical appearance, body language, demeanor, mannerisms, and how the person is dressed.

The rest of the time we spend on a first date is usually to try to impress the other person, so they like us.

But how many times in your life has that been a total waste of time?

Speed Dating takes the pain and awkwardness out of trying to figure out what you’re gonna do to get out of a date you already know you never want to see again.

By keeping things short and focused, you only have ONE decision to make:

“Do I want to see this person again?” In other words “Am I attracted/interested in them ENOUGH to want to keep talking?”

And for that you literally don’t need more than 3 minutes!

If it’s a YES and they agree, life is good.  You are both set for a wonderful new beginning. If it’s a NO, you’ve wasted no time trying to be nice to someone you don’t actually care about impressing.

Let’s reinvent dating together!

What have you got to lose? Speed dating is efficient, fun and pretty much the only thing to do when there are no bars or restaurants open. Or you don’t want to be stuck on a long walk with someone you don’t really click with.

With all these social distancing and restrictions and no fun things to do after sunset, maybe it’s time you ‘upgrade’ from endless Tinder chats or Zoom calls with friends to a platform that is designed with your success in mind.

I’ve partnered with TELEPORT – the world’s first dedicated Virtual Speed Dating Platform – to host Hong Kong’s first Online Speed Dating Event on August 18, 2020.

5 women – 5 men – 6 minutes each for a new chance to find the love of your life!

Will you give it a shot?