Speaking Events with Valentina


Love Compass: Your Journey to Extraordinary Relationships

Love Compass is a transformational journey designed especially for those in search of Real Love and the type of genuine romantic connection we’ve all seen in books and movies. The kind of story that ends with ‘…and they lived happily ever after’.

One thing we know from stories is that real love usually happens at the end of a quest – a journey of self discovery and growth. And what is a journey without a proper map and a good compass, right?

This program helps you navigate and overcome the pain of past experiences with insight, understanding and empathy, to reprogram your mental Love Map and help you create the smoothest route to happiness.

Through deep exploration of your unconscious programs and patterns that keep you stuck in the past, we chart a course that empowers you to cultivate relationships that are vibrant, enduring and fun.

Together, we identify new strategies and mindsets needed to navigate the intricate landscape of relationships, ensuring that you not only find love but also nurture it into something extraordinary.

Are you tired of pouring time and effort into relationships that lead nowhere?

Do you find yourself questioning if there’s something inherently wrong with you as the only justification for the dire lack of romantic opportunities?

Perhaps you’ve even thought of hiring a matchmaker to deal with the fact you lost all desire to keep looking for love and maybe someone else can do it for you?

Or maybe you’ve simply concluded you are meant to remain single, hesitant to engage in another relationship out of fear of enduring yet another heartbreak.

If you find yourself nodding along to the above, rest assured, you’re in good company!

Many people continue to invest precious time and energy in relationships that simply don’t align with their authentic selves and end up disappointed and lonely.

Perhaps you’ve encountered a string of mismatches, one bad date after another and you really feel you’ve lost all hope.

Let this helplessness melt in the knowledge that your ideal match exists, and there’s nothing wrong with you and where you are right now.

All you need is to start BECOMING your Ideal partner yourself by Rewriting your Love Map, adjusting your beliefs and approach to dating and starting your journey to extraordinary relationships.

The good news is that you are reading this!

I want to reassure you that you hold the power to completely transform your love life, put an end to this pain and loneliness and create that extraordinary relationship you dream of.

The answer is not in silly scripts or manipulation tools to ‘get the guy’. Nor is it in fancy new clothes, losing a few pounds or changing the way you look.

It is all in your mind and you already have this power. It’s just that your Love Map is a little jumbled up and you can’t see the path clearly.

And that’s where I come in.

The Love Compass is the most comprehensive program I created for singles just like you to completely redefine your reality, restore your faith in love and provide you with the latest knowledge, tools and skills that will guarantee your success.

Since I started Happy Ever After, I helped thousands of women just like yourself find love, connection, and happiness.

I’m yet to meet someone who doesn’t want to have an amazing, loving relationship. After all, balanced relationships are the foundation of a life well lived.

So you may wonder how do you go about finding real love?

I have made it REALLY simple!

What can be easier than 4 simple steps to get you from single, lonely and fed up with dating to being fully in control, loving yourself and your life and experiencing extraordinary relationships in as little as 3 months?

What you will be able to do at the end of this program is KNOW with absolute clarity who is not a suitable partner and be able to screen out very quickly without becoming attached. That way you’re guaranteed not to have your heart broken!

If you lack confidence and fundamentally believe you cannot find a man, you will ignore all opportunities out there and will not allow yourself to build the relationship of your dreams. The Love Compass works directly on shifting those beliefs and getting you that confidence back.

When you’ve been hurt in the past and think there’s no way things can be any different – ie. when your Love Map is full of misdirection – you may make a lot of excuses for people’s bad behaviour, thinking it is all your fault. You may allow them to ignore you, ghost you or treat you like an option. You bend over backwards for them and instead of letting them make the effort, you make it way too easy! This program empowers you to set clear boundaries and release those relationships that do not serve you.

Let the Love Compass show you the way.

Four steps to your Extraordinary Relationship

Step 1

Revealing Your Existing Love Map

Explore your hidden conditioning, programs and patterns that block you from attracting extraordinary relationships and keep you single and stuck.

Step 2

Redefining Your Ideal Relationship Parameters

Identify the gap between your current and desired reality, define your Ultimate Relationship Success Criteria and rewire your mental picture of your ideal relationship.

Step 3

Rev Up Your Manifestation Engine

Rewire your brain to become your ideal partner so you can attract suitable matches, anchoring your new relationship vision in your subconscious and manifesting your extraordinary relationship.

Step 4

Your Love Compass Itinerary

Create a roadmap to help you rise into your feminine power, defining specific actions and milestones that guide you step by step towards your own ‘happily ever after”.

What can you expect when you work with me

Weekly 60 minutes
one-on-one sessions combining coaching, NLP and hypnotherapy

Tailored roadmap crafted exclusively for your journey

Hypnotic mind-reprogramming tools to help you reframe your relationship experiences

Opportunities to refine your dating and communication abilities through practical applications

Role-playing and Q&A sessions to anchor and solidify your acquisition of new skills

Access to audio, video, and reading materials to reinforce your learning

Ongoing support and guidance outside of coaching sessions
(max 30 mins /week)

What I liked the most about my work with Valentina was her personalised approach. Our sessions were concentrated on me and understanding my limiting beliefs, setting my standards and my values vs ‘how to get the guy’ type coaching out there. Valentina believed in my ability when I did not do so. There were times when I was incredibly stubborn, negative and felt so defeated. At those times, her candour, non-judgemental nature, humour and patience held an empathetic mirror for me to understand self-placed obstacles and see beyond the noise. Everyone needs a cheerleader and I am so glad Valentina was there for me.

A.M. | Hong Kong

I met Valentina at a time when I felt the light in my life was dim and dark. Through a personalised coaching plan tailored to my objectives, she saved me and brought me out of a hole that I thought I would never get out of. With her help, I have finally found love and confidence in the right partner and I would not have been able to do it without her.

H.P.B. | New York City

The power of Valentina’s work comes first and foremost from being centered on discovering ONESELF, rather than purely looking for a life partner. By helping me clarify my needs and requirements (and understand the difference), as well as introducing me to insightful and valuable ways to screen out early to avoid over-investing in the wrong relationships, I was able to tune in to a better life fit, not just living in the moment in the name of hope or romance. As a result of this invaluable lesson in life and love, I was able to find my soul mate and I am excited to be planning our wedding and our new life together.

B.W. | New York City

The first time I met Valentina, she told me that relationships are a part of life entirely in my control. While I had doubts about it, I still gave it a try because I know making new choices and acting differently is crucial if you want to create changes in your life. Valentina is very patient, addressing every single question I had even when the sessions went long! Besides the 1-2-1 sessions, she provided support whenever I had any doubts. She’s like a good friend who stands by when you feel helpless. She’s very easy to work with, while also being very convincing. If you feel powerless as a single woman, and not sure what to do about it, give her a call.

A.W. | Hong Kong

I met Valentina at an event and I immediately had a “crush” on her. All that she was saying made sense and I could totally recognize myself. After our first session, I started making progress very quickly. After years of being alone, a few short weeks after I started working with her, I met someone nice and we started dating. Valentina has helped me pinpoint my requirements and values I do not want to compromise on, helped me narrow them down to specifics and have a clearer vision of what I wanted in my life in general. I had so much fun getting to know myself better with her help.

S.B. | Hong Kong

Your Path to Extraordinary Relationships

The Love Compass is not just another regular coaching program that gives you some tips and lets you do all the work by yourself.

This meticulously crafted 4 steps process works at a deeper subconscious programming level to understand HOW and WHY you are attracting incompatible partners and facilitates the creation of new neural pathways that enable you to approach relationships very differently.

These powerful coaching, neuro-linguistic programming and hypnotherapy techniques guarantee fast but fundamental shifts in your perception of relationships, love and your role in creating happiness and peace.

You will experience significant progress after your first couple of sessions, feeling more optimistic, empowered and in control of your destiny.

By the end of the Love Compass coaching program, you will:

Experience a brand new sense of self as a lovable, worthy, and attractive woman

Embrace a profound sense of confidence around men, equipped with tools and strategies that will allow you to invest time and emotions wisely, and construct the relationship of your dreams, on your own terms

Feel comfortable and confident to embark on your dating adventures equipped with your Ultimate Relationship Success Criteria

Recognise and enforce your crystal-clear standards and effectively convey them in a positive manner

Master the art of establishing and upholding healthy boundaries so you only engage with matches who fit your standards, values and needs

Be fully ready, open and available for your ideal partner and relationship

Become The Chooser, eliminating the need to wait to be chosen and endure heartbreak. You will be the one who determines if a relationship aligns with your desires and should be pursued

Effortlessly navigate your dating journey with a brand new Love Map

Why Work With Me

I get you!

I’ve also needed to do a lot of work on rewriting my own Love Map and learn new skills to create extraordinary relationships.

I’ve struggled myself with dating in the past and I’ve had my heart broken a few times before I understood what it takes to create partnerships that last.

I know exactly how it feels to be lonely and disenchanted with dating and believe no one will ever want to be with you.

I trained for several years with the Relationship Coaching Institute – the most reputable Relationship Coaching organization in the world – and have been creating my own coaching programs for singles, couples, breakup and infidelity recovery as well as polyamory for the last 10 years, working with thousands of women all over the world.

But I am more than just an experienced Relationship Coach.

I am also a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist working with people with trauma, childhood wounds, fears and anxieties and help them reach balanced and healthy emotional states. In addition to that, I am a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner, using neuroscience and deep understanding of the brain and human biology to create powerful mindset shifts and lasting transformation.

This means I really get what you are going through and I am best placed to help you rewire those parts of your brain which might be holding you back from believing love and happiness is literally just waiting for you around the corner.


Book Your Love Map Strategy Call

Book your 30 minutes Love Map Strategy Call to identify what is keeping you stuck and define your path to the Extraordinary Relationship you deserve.