Speaking Events with Valentina


Unbreakable: Rediscovering Strength and Hope After Heartbreak

Relationships are rarely meant to last forever but when you are not ready for the end, it’s impossible not to experience profound loneliness and pain. It often feels like no one on earth could possibly get what you’re going through. How could they?

Our experience of pain is so personal, so deep and unique – just like our DNA – that it’s inconceivable someone else would feel it.

And yet, we have all loved and lost, we’ve all had everything then nothing, we’ve all been high then dropped to the lowest of the low.

I have been there too and I’ve put all my experience into a program that turns all that suffering into strength, hope and determination to become truly unbreakable.

Want to know my secret?

Are you struggling to process the end of a relationship?

Do you cry yourself to sleep every night wondering what you did wrong and hoping you can go back to what you had?

Are you living in fear you may bump into your ex and break down in tears, unable to contain the pain in your heart?

Do you feel unsure about stepping into a new relationship because you don’t want to have your heart broken again?

Is your past relationship with your ex affecting your current relationship?

You broke up.

Maybe he broke up with you. Maybe you broke up with him. Maybe it was mutual.

But the outcome remains the same – your relationship is over. Now what?

Most relationships don’t last forever. Unfortunately, at times, couples part ways. Whether the break up is mutual or one sided, it still feels strange to go on with your life without that person.

I know how it feels.

Breakups are one of the most painful experiences we go through in life. Not only do we hurt in that moment but we hold on to that pain and emotion for a very long time, agonizing over what we did wrong to cause this.

Despite this, it is good to remember that, as painful as breakups are, they are also a powerful life lesson.

A life lesson we can only learn when we face that pain and get through it to the other side, where brand new opportunities await us.

Unbreakable’ is a path I created to get through my own heartache and to help me redefine my past hurts as my most powerful lessons.

Since what doesn’t kill you really makes you stronger, this program is all about finding your inner strength in the face of loneliness and heartbreak.

I know from personal experience that no matter how long a relationship lasts – a few weeks or a couple of decades – breakups are never easy. I’m here to guide you through this journey and be that shoulder to cry on.

In this 6-week program, you will go from feeling sad, lonely and hopeless to strong, optimistic and ready to attract happiness and joy in your life. You will let go of any hard feelings, release blame, anger and guilt, and focus on acceptance and gratitude for the gifts you have received in that relationship.

Start your journey to becoming Unbreakable today.

Breakups happen but they don’t have to break you

In this unique Breakup Recovery Coaching program we’re not just going to help you get over your ex.
Well, we are going to do that. But we’re going to do so much more.

Not only will we work through your past relationship, we will also look into your future relationships so that you get that extraordinary relationship you’re looking for.

This 6 Week Program is for you if:

You’ve had a breakup that is still affecting you

You are struggling to let go of the past

You want to move on but you can’t figure out how

You’re afraid to go into a new relationship because you don’t want your heart broken again

You are tired of letting your past hurts determine your future relationships

You’re ready to be happy again!

These 6 weekly sessions will give you time to slowly absorb the lessons and let time help with the healing.

This program is designed to help you let go of all attachment and pain and focus on receiving the gifts, learning the lessons and positively move into a new optimistic future.

All in all it prepares you for the extraordinary relationship you desire.

Become Unbreakable in just 6 weeks

At the end of this program, your entire perspective on the recent events leading to your breakup will be completely different.

You will:

Feel relieved this relationship has come to an end

Experience a sense of freedom and excitement for the future

Feel stronger and more resilient knowing you have transformed the pain of loss and rejection into a fountain of self knowledge and determination to create your own relationship bliss

Experience peace of mind and profound healing of the wounds created by this breakup that also brought up childhood abandonment pain that has always affected your relationships

Feel a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for the lessons this relationship taught you

Be deeply aware of your relationship dealbreakers and fundamental needs so more prepared to approach relationships full of confidence and enthusiasm in the future

Have a clear vision and an action plan for your next relationship

Have a brand new Love Map that will lead you to your most empowered partnership

Valentina helped me during one of the toughest phases of my life. During our sessions, she made me feel like I could trust her, and that I had someone with the “formula” to go through in a breakup. I discovered a new layer of myself after each session, and I am seeing myself and the world in a different light. Weirdly, I enjoyed this breakup: I enjoyed knowing myself, and I am excited about who I am bound to meet next.

C.L. | Hong Kong

I have been having sessions with Valentina for almost 2 years. She has helped me to move on from bad breakups and also helped me to explore what’s important in life. I have gained more control of my own life and the confidence i need in order to be out there and date. Highly recommend that you pay a visit to Valentina and reshape your life!

J.W. | Hong Kong

I was struggling with letting go of a relationship and needing to feel better about myself.

I also wanted to explore how to let go of my past, to know and love myself better. I now feel much more confidence and have learned not to get attached to people or something easily.

C.C. | Hong Kong

I first started seeing Valentina during one of the most difficult periods of my life. She supported, listened and guided me in the best way possible. Not only did she help me rebuild my life, I came out the other end more confident, sure of myself and happier than I’ve ever been. She was definitely my guardian angel when I didn’t even know I needed one.

K.B. | Hong Kong

Valentina has been integral to not only holding me together during one of the most complicated and heart-rendering times of my life, but through a caring and comprehensive program, enabled me to greatly improve my life, my relationships and my vision for my future. She has helped me create a stronger, more resilient sense of self and purpose…

K.R.G. | Hong Kong

How Breakups Affect Your Love Map

Every breakup fundamentally changes something inside ourselves.

The intensity of the pain, the deep sense of loss and abandonment, leave deep marks in the way we feel about love and the way we see ourselves.

It’s natural that in the absence of clear reasons for the end or when we are still deeply in love with a person who does not want us, it has to feel like it was our fault. We MUST have done something wrong, otherwise we would still be together right?

The guilt and shame that come with being abandoned are like a whole pot of ink was splashed over our Love Map and we are completely in the dark as to how we’re going to get out of this pain.

That’s when we may decide never to love again. Or we take it as a final confirmation that we are worthless and no one can ever possibly love us.

But that is NOT the lesson. There IS a way this rejection can be a positive redirection towards what we REALLY want. A little accidental turn that shows us the real path to true love and extraordinary relationships

Unbreakable is all about that: illuminating your path out of the darkness and redirecting you towards a stronger, more empowered and more confident version of yourself, with a brand new Love Map and full of optimism for the future.


Book Your Rewrite Your Love Map Strategy Call

Are you ready to rewrite your Love Map, release your past pain and look confidently into the future?

Book your Rewrite Your Love Map Strategy Call today to find out more about your healing journey.