Love Match Test
According to Dr Helen Fisher, we each have some amount of four personality types in her test: Explorer, Builder, Director and Negotiator.
Their sources are high activity among two sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) and two neurotransmitters (dopamine and serotonin). The dominant two personalities of the four, the two for which you had the two highest scores, are most influential in defining who you are.
So the way you should read your result of PRIMARY/Secondary is to slur them together, like I’m a Director Explorer. The slash (/) does not imply or. Likewise, you preferred match should be read the same way, like I prefer Negotiator Explorer types, meaning someone who is a Negotiator first, and Explorer second, not Negotiators or Explorers, although either type would be a natural secondary preference.
Welcome to your Love Match Test Results
If your highest or second highest score is Director, read here to learn more.
If your highest or second highest score is Negotiator, read here to learn more.
If your highest or second highest score is Explorer, read here to learn more.
If your highest or second highest score is Builder, read here to learn more.